EXCLUSIVE Southampton Fitfinder Available in Southampton!

There was only one thing that made last exam period just slightly more bearable: Fitfinder.

Think back to the last exam period. The copious amounts of work, endless hours in the Hartley Library… you get the picture. There was only one thing that made the period just slightly more bearable: Fitfinder.

As many of you will know, the site’s founder was forced to shut down the site after having his degree unjustly threatened by his University, Imperial College London. But that’s in the past. Fitfinder is gone.

At the Soton Tab we remember how much joy the website brought to so many Southampton students, so we thought – “why don’t we make an exclusive Fitfinder for Southampton?”

And so Spotted @ Soton was born.

Have you spotted a hotty and just HAVE to tell someone about it? Well now you can.

Check out the website here: www.sotontab.co.uk/spotted/

We hope that this brings you a great deal of joy this exam period.