Students Waste £1.5 MILLION in Tuition at London Protests
Yesterday, 50,000 students skipped a valuable day of lectures to protest in London against the Government’s proposed hike to tuition fees, causing violence and wreaking havoc at Millbank Tower, the […]
Yesterday, 50,000 students skipped a valuable day of lectures to protest in London against the Government’s proposed hike to tuition fees, causing violence and wreaking havoc at Millbank Tower, the Tory HQ.
Every student pays £3,000 annually on tuition fees, with the government subsidizing each degree by at least that amount. So with 50,000 students attending yesterday’s march, that is £1.5 MILLION on tuition wasted, not to mention the cost to the Police yesterday because of all the havoc caused.
While the general feeling among Southampton students is that the day was a meaningful protest, many students in Southampton were appalled at the sheer wastage of tuition fees and the violence caused by the protests.
One student not attending the march commented yesterday, “What exactly are they doing? Pissing the rest of the country off? This march will do nothing!”
On top of the violence and tuition fee wastage caused, employees working in Millbank Tower will take time to recover from yesterdays traumatic events.