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ICE ICE Baby: The International Cultural Evening takes place next week

The International Cultural Evening is an event not to be missed

Hosted by the International Students' Committee, the International Cultural Evening is an annually organised night of cultural performances held at Sheffield City Hall.

Returning for its 47th year on 23rd March from 7-10pm, it promises to be an unmissable evening!

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The event will showcase 10 short performances from 12 international student societies, highlighting how diverse cultures are represented through dances, music and plays.

Rex Bechu, International Students' Officer, has said it's an “amazing, all-inclusive event through which one can discover different cultures."

Rex continued: "It’s a time of uncertainty for our international students and this evening is an opportunity for them to express their cultures through dance.

"It’s one evening to embark upon a voyage across the globe.”

Guests are welcomed to attend in their national/cultural dress and Sheffield students are entitled to discounted tickets.

So, grab your ticket now to experience an evening "marked by brilliant performances, powerful emotions, and cultural diversity."