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There’s a remembrance service happening today outside the SU

It will be starting from 10am

A remembrance service is set to be held outside the University of Sheffield Students' Union today (Friday 10th November) in order to remember those who have fought and died in conflict.

The service, which will be held by the University Service Units, will be taking place between 10 am and 11 am, with a two minute's silence being taken at 11am.

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The Poppy Appeal is the British Legion's biggest fundraiser

The official day of remembrance is on Saturday 11th November, with more services of remembrance being held across the country on Sunday.

The Poppy Appeal is the British Legion's biggest fundraiser, and takes place every year. Nearly £150 million was raised last year from the Poppy Appeal alone, and most of the money is spent on ensuring the welfare of war veterans and their families.