Fact or fiction: Sheffield edition

Let’s set the record straight

As we introduce a new class of freshers into our beloved city, we feel it is important to sort out the fact and the fiction of being in Sheffield. We all hear various rumours about this wondrous city. Most of the myths being taken for facts we can let slide, however to assume our nightlife is simply ‘average’ is a terrible offence that must be tackled right away. So for all the Sheffield newbies and other students out there, here is the ultimate list of fact and fiction that you need to know. You need not look anywhere else. Just revise it and remember it.

Sheffield has two Taco Bells: FACT

Yes that’s right, this city is home to not one but two Taco Bells. That’s impressive considering there are only twelve of this popular fast-food chain in the UK, none of which are located in London. One is even situated right on top of Sheffield’s University Campus. What a relief knowing that new students can sleep well knowing they have unlimited access to Tacos and Churros. Winner.

Sheffield is boring: FICTION

A city cannot be boring, that’s a fact. Sheffield is full of things to do, places to eat and shops to spend your student loan in. Like most cities in the UK, it has its fair share of bars, shops and those standard activities like bowling and the cinema all of which are right in the hustle and bustle of the city centre. But not a lot of cities can say they have all this and an Alpaca farm. Bet you don’t think it’s boring now.

Sheffield’s Student’s Union is the best: FACT

You can’t deny the statistics that have placed Sheffield’s Student Union as number one for the ninth year in a row. It’s not surprising considering how popular it is amongst our students. Freshers can look forward to Bar One burgers and quiz nights, delicious meals at Interval and of course some of the best nights out they will ever experience (if they remember them, that is). Either way you will find that the likes of The Tuesday Club, Roar Wednesday’s and Pop tarts will forever hold a special place in your heart.

Sheffield is not a looker: FICTION

Google the Peak District and then get back to us on this one. Not only does Sheffield have plenty of picturesque parks and places like the Botanical Gardens but it is also the only city with a national park within its boundaries. The Peaks are simply beautiful and any picture taken up there is guaranteed to be insta worthy. Lets not forget the one good thing that comes from living on massive hills, the views are pretty darn awesome.

The University vs Hallam rivalry: FACT

It’s not until Varsity when the claws come out and the rivalry between both universities becomes a reality. During the Varsity period, the city transforms into a sea of black and gold intertwined with a shade of Maroon we all know as Hallam. Get ready for competitive chants and brutal play. This means war.

The Arts Tower lift is a death trap: FICTION

The Paternoster lift might look a tad frightening being that its not your ordinary method of moving between floors. Not to worry though we can assure you it is perfectly safe. If not, feel free to take the stairs as the view from the top is quite the sight to behold.

Sheffield has fabulous food: FACT

Pick any street in Sheffield and you’re bound to run into an independent coffee house or restaurant selling delicious food that you won’t find anywhere else. Thankfully the Peddler Night Market comes to town every month so food like this is never too difficult to find. Also note that if Sheffield knows one thing, its how to do doughnuts, and kronuts and fronuts and cruffins…yes these are real things and I urge you to try them.

Sheffield’s nightlife is below average: FICTION

Whoever says this has not been out in Sheffield. The students here are blessed because, not only are our union club nights insanely good, but we also have a huge choice of bars and clubs in the city. Of course all nights out begin with a bar crawl down West Street before hitting your club of choice. Whether that be Corp, Code, Bierkeller, Leadmill, Paris, Crystal, the list goes on. Sheffield really does have it all.

Blue Pints are lethal: FACT

I mean, no one knows for sure because, honestly, a night out at Corp remains blurred in one’s mind. If this sounds familiar the only common factor must be blue pints and the dreaded rainbow challenge. It’s all good fun until you fall down the corp staircase. Trust me, it happens.