The University of Sheffield according to Facebook reviews

‘Sheffield is Super Sexy!’

On open days, the uni bombards prospective students with positive facts about studying in Sheffield. If you go to Sheffield and haven’t heard that we have the number one Students’ Union in the UK, then you must have been living under a rock.

However, if you fail to be convinced by all the facts and marketing, it might be worth checking out the University of Sheffield Facebook reviews. We have compiled the best to see if they would persuade you to study here.

Ta duck x


Sounds like Glyn needs to let loose in West Street Live more often and learn to have some fun.


Who even needs a degree when you can earn that much hosting Ann Summers parties?








At least they didn’t meet at Roar


You’re a joke, Richard, because Sheffield uni is amazing


It’s more friendly up north


Fuck you Brad. You probably own a spiralizer and vote Tory


Oh my god, that was one time!


He’s not wrong


Alright Jezza C


It’s what we strive for


The emojis say it all