There are plans to turn DQ into a church

Effectively a U-turn in the key demographic

In a heartbreaking turn of events, DQ finally closed its doors for good in December of this year, and went up for sale in January bringing an end to the guaranteed Monday night entertainment.

While Sheffield students have been mourning the move of the five pound round (it is just not the same in Tiger works, lets be real) and lamenting the loss of clothes now forever in lost property, Christ Central Church is hoping to take over.


The evangelical  organisation,   describes itself as a ‘church for people who don’t go to church’ giving it the “I’m not a regular mum, I’m a cool mum” vibe has previously held meetings in DQ, as well as other non-religious buildings in Sheffield.

The Church is currently opposite DQ and hopes to move and increase their available space. To make things even better, the space will also be used for toddler groups and counselling. Hallelujah.

A supporting statement for the plans stated: “The proposed use would be an improvement on the previous use which was objected to substantially the last time it was granted permission to continue to be used as a nightclub for a further two years in 2015.”

So it seems DQ has long been fighting a system that wanted to bring it down and we can only be grateful it struggled onwards as long as it did.

The planning statement said: “The church has met at several venues in the city centre during the last 12 years and we have never received complaints from nearby local residents about music being played too loudly or members of the church making noise on the street after services.”

Though you can’t help thinking that if people put up with a nightclub in the area, the local residents won’t mind a bit of over-enthusiastic piano and choir.

The decision on whether to grant the application will be made by Sheffield Council by mid-July.