What are you scared of?

‘Getting stuck to the floor at corp’

With Halloween fast-approaching and the minds of the nation fixated on all things scary, we asked you what your biggest fears are.

There’s a lot more to it than just spiders, snakes and heights.

Alan, first year, English Literature

“My parents looking at my bank balance”

Jordan, second year, Aerospace Engineering 

“9am Lectures”

Manni, first year, Architecture 


Ewan, second year, Engineering 


Edd, third year, Electrical Engineering 

“Strange women”

Anthony, first year, Electronics 

“Cling film”

Jamelia, first year, Spanish and Portuguese 

“Holes, like in crumpets and shit”

Sarah, second year, French and German

”Getting stuck to the floor in Corp”

Dan, first year, Biology 
