Game of Thrones star to appear at union club night
Another killer lineup
The SU is throwing a themed club night with a DJ set from the Knight of the Flowers.
Finn Jones, who plays Loras Tyrell, will grace the union during freshers for ‘House Fresher: Game of Thrones.’
The event, which takes place in Foundry and Fusion on Thursday 24th September, will also feature a meet and greet with the star.
Lewis Paxton-Fear, Second year Aerospace Engineer and Game of Thrones fan, said: “Who the hell is that?”
Yvonne Nanyanzi, studying Urban Studies and Planning, said: “I love GOT, he’s a good knight. Terrific sword skills.”
The union originally booked Game of Thrones legend The Mountain but, according to the Facebook event, the actor dropped out due to reasons beyond their control.
Disappointed freshers have demanded refunds on the Facebook event page, insisting that Sir Loras is no replacement for the character they had been promised.
Following the news, the union assured peeved freshers, “Sir Loras is tougher than The Mountain.”
They also said: “It’s pretty tough getting people in from Westeros at a couple of weeks notice.”
Despite the disappointment, the event still has over four hundred Facebookers eager to attend.
Nothing on Poptarts, but still not bad considering the last minute drop out.
Advance tickets are £5 and available from the SU Box Office and online.