Dan Bean shows up to house party with bags of chips

She invited him on a night out…and was delighted when he actually came

A birthday girl was left star-struck, after Dan Bean turned up at her house party last Tuesday.


“The friendship started a couple of Wednesdays ago after Corp. We were in Broomhill Friery when Dan so kindly offered to drive us home” said second year Economist Alex.

“She [the birthday girl] then met him again after Bondax last week and drunkenly invited him to her birthday pre drinks, not expecting him to actually come’.

The duo

‘He texted her asking if she got home okay and, as any sane person would, she texted back asking if he could bring chips to the birthday party”

Students at the party were shocked when Dan actually did arrive at 11pm sharp on Tuesday with a colleague from the Friery and several generously sized bags of chips. “It was really weird. She never thought he would actually come and bring chips. Who would?” Alex said.

Not only did Dan supply the pre drinks snacks, but he also cleaned up after everyone had eaten. “He put all the rubbish in the bin, such a babe” she told us.

The second year said that he chatted to everyone there and was ‘really friendly’, although one party goer commented that “his multitasking ability seemed fairly limited at times.”

“He brought her a birthday card, too, as well as chocolates. It was really sweet” Alex said.

Imagine Dan Bean getting you a birthday card. Imagine.


Everyone then left the party together in taxis; although Dan, ever the maverick, drove alone to Plug in his red car. Sadly, the birthday girl and local legend did not cross paths again that night.