Breaking: Fire on Harvest Road

‘As I walked past the house there were embers in the air and could hear crackling of fire’

A blaze has broken out on Harvest road near the entrance of the university.

Amelia, a final year student at Royal Holloway, told The Tab: “I could smell smoke from my house five minutes away. It was at the top of Harvest road near where it turns onto Barley Mow road.

“There was a fire engine and I smelt smoke but thought it was from the fields or something.

“But as I walked past the house I could see over the wall there were still embers in the air and could hear crackling of fire, so it wasn’t completely out at 8:45 when I left my house.”

“I’m not sure if the house was affected or if it was their garden.”

If you have any further info please message The Tab Royal Holloway’s Facebook page.