Second-hand Stores Galore!

As students, we have to budget ourselves when it comes to spending money on clothes and new accessories for Spring

With the  weather looking more and more promising, the urge to go on a big shopping spree is inevitable.

However, there are a few ways that you can save money this season and it all starts with charity shops.

As all of you probably have seen, Egham high-street is loaded with a vast amount of second-hand stores. But before you scold at the idea of purchasing a second hair pair of jeans, have a look inside and see that there are decent items of clothing for a very reasonable price.

Below are a few brilliant finds all under £7 an item! (Books are even cheaper!)



So maybe next time, instead of heading towards Staines or Westfield, why not consider popping into a second-hand store. You never know what you might find!