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Louis Theroux is coming back to Oxford to teach a documentary module

Lucky second years

An email has circulated around current history freshers from the History department announcing Louis Theroux will be returning to Oxford as a guest tutor.

History students in second year who have been allocated 'Britain at the movies: Film and national identity since 1914', as their Further Subject will have Louis as their guest tutor for two out of six of their classes.

The email states Louis will be looking into the documentary movement of the 1930s, and notions of national identity, class and sexuality in post-war Britain.

Exact details are not known at this stage, however, we spoke to a third year who did this module last year. Connie at Balliol said: "It will definitely be near the start of the term because we covered the 1930s by third week".

She also added that Louis Theroux teaching this module was a "one way ticket to a first".

We asked Magdalen College for a comment as to whether Louis would be taking up residency there during his time, but they are yet to respond.

Before you get to excited check the date…Happy April Fools.