The Tab presents: Come Hall With Me

The Channel 4 legacy lives on, in your college bar

Fifth Week doesn’t have to live up to its name. This weekend sees the first episode of Come Hall With Me, a brand new episodic adventure, follow the socially awkward evenings of four candidates at four Oxford college Formal Halls.

This Michaelmas series features St Catz, St Peter’s, Brasenose and Christ Church battling it out to win the competition.

Our hosts Matt, Neha, Harry and Brenda will rate the colleges’ Social Life, Food, Architecture and Overall Fun out of 10. Our winner will be announced in week eight.

When asked how he felt about hosting the first round this Thursday, Matt Rose, Catz historian, said: “My time is here. My time is now. I want to win. Bring. It. On.”

Tune in on Sunday to see how Catz fares this week.

Finally, a concrete way to entrench unjustified college rivalry.

Who’s representing you?