Best Clubbers: Seven deadly sins in Week Seven

Torpids Clubbing: Let’s bump tonight

With the passing of week seven we can all breathe a sigh of relief, as no longer do we need to pretend to give a shit about anything to do with rowing.

Indeed, those people who decided not to spend their entire time at university wearing lycra and pulling sticks backwards and forwards, while a small angry man shouts at them, hit the town this week, looking for laughs, Lambrini and libidinous liaisons.

To celebrate a seventh fine week of Oxford clubbing, The Tab would like to present: The Seven Deadly Sins: An Oxford Encounter


Emerging from a day’s work in the Lower Gladstone Link like…


These lads (#MovingYats) won’t rest until they’ve chirpsed every girl in Anuba. Leave some for us guys!


The perennial raging at Park End has exhausted our gentleman in the background

Oxford’s George Foreman gets KO’d in the Rumble


That delicious all-too-knowing pout from our ladies’ man could ignite a heart of stone – be proud sir.


Our resident steam-monger makes Christian Grey look as sexy as Bruce Forsyth in a nightie. His ice-cool gaze overwhelms his infatuated partner


Sadness lurks in the corners

No mates photobomb


Winner Winner Chin Dinner