Best dressed clubbers: Week three

Wavey shirts, dungarees, satin bomber jackets…in Bridge?

It seems our hipster special influenced your wardrobes this week, as the fashion of the mainstream clubs made its way into the tributaries.

An 80’s patterned shirt dream in a sea of white sweaty shirts, and he knows it.

Nothing is more appropriate for the sticky Park End cheese floor than a satin baroque print bomber jacket.

Neck choker, crop top, denim shirt…it’s all going down here. But this lady in the middle steals the show in a tropical print kimono and statement necklace. Bravo.

Dungarees, satin, leather…the Sex and the City girls take on grunge.

Hot trends straight from the S/S ‘15 Malia strip with glitter and Hawaiian prints.

The striking red fedora and eye-catching jewel print dress make this girl far too classy to be sipping Anuba doubles.

Indian summer

See more in our next instalment of ‘101 Ways of Styling Out the Moth Infestation in Your Wardrobe’

“Button up, button down, button however you want, girlfriend.” #positivebuttonimage #freethebutton

Silk robe. That is all.