Trinity votes to reaffiliate with OUSU
Trinity opts back into OUSU for first time in years
Trinity college students have voted to come back to OUSU. In a historic vote, the college is returning for the first time since disaffiliating in 2007.
Turn out for the vote is understood to have been 24% of students.
Trinity’s OUSU rep Katherine Connolly told the Tab, “I feel that Trinity JCR’s decision to re-affiliate to OUSU reflects our recognition of the work OUSU has done tackling the serious issues that we disaffiliated over. The vote doesn’t necessarily mean that Trinitarians feel OUSU is a perfect institution, but instead, it shows that we feel re-affiliation will let us work better together with OUSU to ensure that Trinity students can make the most of their time at Oxford”.
She added, “As OUSU rep, I look forward to having a more active part in Council, and seeing Trinity students have more of a say in the running of our student union”.
OUSU pres Tom Rutland was chuffed with the result too:
Not everyone was as excited, however, with one Trinity fresher telling the Tab, “Oh, I didn’t realise there was a vote. I don’t really care either way”.