Trinity footballers disciplined for flashing celeb violinist at formal

Trinity football team in trouble for mooning world-famous violinist at formal hall


The Trinity football team has been disciplined for dropping their trousers  in front of Grammy-award winner, Maxim Venegrov.

The newly-appointed Honorary Visiting Fellow was being served dessert when he got treated to the sight of the students’ underwear.

After numerous staff complaints, the team rebelted and seemed to calm down. Unfortunately, a particularly rowdy member of the club flashed his boxers for a second time while high table filed out of the hall.

Trinity high table- the scene of the crime

The football club was fined an undisclosed amount and instructed to attend a ‘Good Lad’ workshop, an Oxford-based effort to ‘empower men to deal with complex gender situations’. Members of the team have also been banned from Guest Night to prevent a repeat incident.

A Trinity rower has offered to institute ‘stark-naked starters’ as replacement.

An anonymous member of the football team reflected that ‘in hindsight, the cheese-course was our downfall. We had a whole extra dish to get through trouserless.’

Reportedly, the infamous pudding was Lemon Posset. A bitter end to a night of celebration.

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