Oxford student on year abroad in Hong Kong arrested for drug offences

Oxford student arrested for “growing marijuana” at a student property in Hong Kong University

Chinese language media has today reported that an unknown Oxford student has been arrested in connection with drug offences in Hong Kong.

The unknown 21 year old male is reported as studying an engineering course at Hong Kong University as part of an exchange programme during a year abroad from Oxford.

The Oxford student has been charged with “attempting to grow marijuana in a residential property” within the University of Hong Kong.

The University of Hong Kong where the Oxford student was allegedly caught growing marijuana

The student’s name, college and degree course at Oxford have not been revealed.

Chapter 134 of Hong Kong’s Narcotic Offences laws state, “Any person who cultivates any plant of the genus cannabis or opium poppy, shall be liable upon conviction to a fine of HK$ 100,000 and imprisonment for 15 years”.d