The roadmap out of lockdown: Notts student edition

Crisis here we come

After the third lockdown, it seems that Boris is finally giving us some hope and an end to Coronavirus regulations.

On Monday 22nd February, Boris announced three steps for easing Lockdown in the UK, as long as everything goes to plans in terms of vaccinations and falling cases of the virus.

This calls for a lot of excitement for students in Notts and in order to get ourselves excited, here is a step-by-step guide to the easing of lockdown for Notts students.

Step One: Picnic with your pals

8th March 

Two people are allowed to sit outside together or go for a walk with a coffee or drink and this means one thing, and one thing only: PICNICS. I’m talking cakes, sausage rolls, cheeseboards, the lot. Wollaton Park and Lenton Rec are perfect spots.

Picnic with your pals x

29th March 

Two households or six people are now allowed to meet outdoors, this means a BBQ with your mates and a cheeky game of rounders is definitely in order. This also gives friends who haven’t seen each other since the end of January a chance to meet up and reunite.

Also, restrictions on staying in your local area are lifted for essential travel only, this means that you can finally travel to see your family if you’re in Nottingham, or go on some day trips with your mates.

Step Two: Get me a pint

12th Aprilnow we’re cooking on gas

Shops, hairdressers and beauty salons open, this means Primark is gonna get hit-up! We can finally get those dodgy trims sorted, and get back into the city centre we all miss.

Outdoor restaurants and beer gardens are open and that is music to my ears, get me there ASAP. Not only can we all get back to Rose and Crown, but the presumption is that a lot of restaurants and bars will open outdoor areas, so hopefully, pub golf will be on the cards!

Gyms are also open, and I’m sure there’s so many of us who can’t wait to get their gains back, just in time for summer.

Step Three: 2 for 1 here I come

17th May The end is truly in sight

Outdoors, most social contact restrictions are lifted- how exciting! Give your mate a hug in the park, life is looking up!

Two households or six people are allowed to meet indoors, this means drinks with your mates,  proper bday celebs; the post-lockdown seshes are gonna feel so good. 

2 for 1 Here I come!

Indoor hospitality opens, this means Bottomless Brunch at Turtle Bay, cocktails at Coco Tang, but most importantly Spoons 🙂

Step Four: Just. Hug. Everyone.


No more social distancing, hug every passer-by, we’re free!

NIGHTCLUBS ARE OPEN.  I don’t know about you but I’d pay any amount of money to just yeet one VK off the balcony in Crisis, even if I got kicked out after that, it will have been worth it.

Back to Ocean we go!

Life is truly looking up, and hopefully, soon enough Rona will be history.