Nottingham threatened with local lockdown by the end of the week

Hope you like your housemates!

In the last week, the Covid-19 rates across Nottingham have shot up to 382.4 cases per 100,000 meaning that the city now has the sixth highest rate in the country. Nottingham’s Director of Public health Alison Challenger has suggested that tighter  restrictions could be in place across the city by the end of the week.

This news comes after Nottingham’s cases surpass the surrounding cities of Leicester, Leeds and Birmingham, all of which have already some sort of local lockdown. A local lockdown for Nottingham could mean that individuals will not be able to meet anyone outside of their household or support bubble.

Ms Challenger explained that Public Health England are monitoring the situation closely and that the public should “expect to see the government announce further information on restrictions later this week.”

Back to living room parties where only housemates are invited…

Since students have returned to campus, 425 University of Nottingham students alone have confirmed positive test results for coronavirus. The university claimed that their asymptomatic testing programme would result in more cases being found and it is clear that since term began, cases in the area have increased dramatically

Whilst Challenger suggested that it is not a direct correlation between students returning and cases increasing, it appears to be an undeniable factor in the increase of cases.

“We are going to have to do more to keep people safe” said Challenger.

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