Covid outbreak in Nightingale Hall leaves UoN freshers self-isolating

At least six households are isolating

Freshers in Nightingale Hall have been required to self-isolate, after a number of students in the accommodation have tested positive for the virus.

The university sent out an email to those affected in the accommodation, informing them that they must isolate for 14 days.

According to Amelie van der Ploeg, a first year student living at Nightingale Halls, it is only her household so far that have managed to get their tests and results back.

She told the Nottingham Tab: “There’s been five positive tests out of nine in my household so far. Two have been negative and two still haven’t heard back yet.”

An additional five households are also self-isolating, following contact with those that have tested positive. With at least nine people in each household, a minimum of 36 students are isolating.

Students have been told that they must not leave their accommodation for any reason other than to take the Covid-19 test. They are having their meals brought to their door so that they do not come into any contact with others.

Amelie said that the whole experience so far has been “extremely lonely”. She added, “Probably the worst part is everyone shaming the freshers online, which is fair enough in some cases, but everyone in my household has been following the rules as far as I know and it just seems like a slap in the face that we’re now testing positive but also being shamed online.”

A University of Nottingham spokesperson told the Tab Nottingham: “We currently have a small number of cases and all are self-isolating in their households. We’re very grateful to those students who are being responsible, doing the right thing and continuing to follow the correct Government guidelines around isolation to protect other members of their communities.

“They are being supported by the University with food parcels, welfare support and regular communication.”