Strap yourselves together: It’s seven legged this Monday

Need some inspiration for Monday night?


It’s here. Finally. The biggest bar crawl in Europe.

On Monday 20th October the Seven Legged will once again be tottering into Nottingham.

Last year, the Karni organised event reaped in a whooping 7,148 stumbling costumed students . That’s a lot of fancy dress to compete with.

If you’re stuck for original ideas (seven deadly sins people, we are looking at you), here’s our pick of the best and worst costumes over the years…

Costume: Piped Piper of Hamelin and all his rats.

Difficulty to get costume? 2/10

Originality? 7/10 

Rating? Pretty crap as no one knows what you are and think you are cats following Rupert the Bear.

Costume: Alice in Wonderland

Difficulty to get costume? 7/10

Originality? 4/10

Rating? Pretty obvious what you are even if you get split up, but you will run into many duplicates of yourself and end up following the wrong white rabbit.

Costume? Bo Peep and her sheep

Difficulty? 2/10, just requires lots of cotton wool

Originality? 8/10, you’re not just following the herd

Rating? Pretty dependent on the runner Bo being around otherwise its just baaaaad

Costume? Obama and the Secret Service

Difficulty? 1/10

Originality? 9/10

Rating? Simple yet effective, though if the Secret Service were really tied to Obama like that they wouldn’t be so secret.

Costume? The Toy Story gang

Difficulty? 7/10, you will need a few cowboy hats

Originality? 6/10, lots of Pixar characters will be seen gallivanting about on Seven Legged

Rating? Pretty adorable.

Costume? Wimbledon meets Walkabout

Difficulty? 0/10

Originality? 3/10, a few sport teams will taking their best shots at the infamous bar crawl

Rating? Great if you need something really last minute

Costume? The Full English

Difficulty? 5/10, depends on how arty you are with some Sharpies

Originality? 8/10, out of all the foodie seven leggeds, this one is prime.

Rating? Cracking effort, but might make you feel a little queasy the morning after.

Costume? Troll Dolls

Difficulty? 6/10, plenty of hairspray for this one.

Originality?  8/10

Rating? Good one for those wanting to relive the 90s.

Costume? Possibly the most terrifying Sesame Street cast we’ve ever seen

Difficulty? 8/10, getting those masks requires some effort

Originality? 9/10

Rating? Maybe make it a bit more like the friendly childhood classic we all know and love then its a winner!

Costume? Pirate ship sailing the seas of Ocean

Difficulty? 9/10, pirate costumes pretty standard but making the ship AND walking with it all tied together must have been a challenge…

Originality? 10/10, massive effort here we doff our pirate hat to you.  

Costume? The best advertisement for safe sex ever seen.

Difficulty? 7/10, never seen a condom that big before (insert that’s what she said here)

Orginality? 9/10, cheeky in all the right places



Still haven’t got your tickets? Karni have extended the deadline until SATURDAY NIGHT to try and break the Guinness World Record of 7,000 participants. But why should you go? Speaking exclusively to The Tab, Karni event coordinator Joe Gilligan reckons 7 Legged is ‘…THE stand-out event of the university calendar.’

‘We’re on track to break the world record for yet another year, and we want as many people to part of it as possible. If you go on any night at all this term, surely it has to be this. 20 bars, 7 legs, 5 end venues…. One legend.’

Sounds tempting when you put it like that. Get your tickets here!