It’s now £6 for a dip in the Ocean

Andy Hoe is putting his prices up tonight


Andy Hoe has made the decision to increase the entry fee from £5 to £6. 

The biggest BNOC in town took to Facebook to make the announcement earlier this evening to avoid ‘a breakdown on the front steps’ as UoN students descend on the club for the Friday night they have dreamed of all summer.

Andy said on Facebook that he has been holding off on pushing up the prices for a long time.

Andy  has been reluctant to put up the price for years

It has been £5 entry for nearly five years. Since 2009 students have been parting with a fiver to swing their shirts around their head and drown in VKs. Before that it was the bargain price of only £4.

Andy was keen to stress that he doesn’t want to be dubbed a ‘robbing bastard’.

According to him, there has been a 12% increase in wages alone, let alone the power costs,  the alcohol and we bet that new carpet did not come cheap either.

Bet the queue is longer tonight as people scramble for a £1

With other popular nights like Gin and Juice and Market Bar charging more than five quid, Andy said: “This increase brings us into line with ‘other’ big clubs student nights who have mostly been £6 for at least a year or two”. 

£6 is a small price to pay for one of the cheesiest nights of your life, right?