Top dog: UoN vet school tops rankings

New survey shows we’re the best vets yet

UoN’s Veterinary School is the best in the country, according to a recent survey.

The school clawed its way to the top after beating the UK’s six other vet schools in every comparison made.

The survey by the Association of Veterinary Students (AVS) had an impressive rate of response, with 2106 students participating out of the UK’s total 4578 students.

It compared the overall quality of the programs as well as aspects such as financial support, welfare and participation widening.

The results show 96.2% of Notts students rated basic clinical skills teaching as good or excellent against the 65.4% overall average, with similar figures for the balance between lectures and practicals, and overall quality of the practicals.

The recent AVS survey is not the the first time the school has galloped ahead of its rivals.

Only two years after its opening, it topped every category in 2008 in the four yearly AVS survey, and also came first for overall student satisfaction in National Student Surveys of 2011 and 2012.

Opening in 2006, Nottingham’s Veterinary School is the first new vet school in the UK to open in the last 50 years.

Foundation Dean of the School of Veterinary Science and Medicine, Professor Gary England, said:

“The way veterinary medicine is taught in Britain and this survey shows that we have the support of our talented and hard-working students.”

The AVS President 2013, Nick Wojciechowski, said:

“The University of Nottingham is a newly designed and purpose built Veterinary School [and] outperforms the other vet schools in every single comparison that is made.”