A Night in The West End at Royal Concert Hall

A Night in The West End hit the Royal Concert Hall this week with London Philharmonic Orchestra and West End star Kerry Ellis.

They were accompanied by the fantastic Nottingham Trent University Choir, and all in aid of an excellent cause: John van Geest Cancer Research Centre.  

The show hosted a series of classic West End hits and managed to completely exceed the expectations of any musical theatre lover. The university choir projected, harmonized and enunciated effortlessly and the male chorus did an excellent rendition of ‘There Is Nothing Like A Dame.’

Living up to her name: Kerry Ellis

More impressive however was eighteen year old Lucy Curry who was chosen from the choir to duet alongside superstar Kerry Ellis with ‘I Know Him So Well’. This was the highlight of the evening: brave Lucy exerted confidence and demonstrated an amazing amount of singing ability that captured the emotional moment perfectly.

Kerry Ellis certainly lived up to her name. She had an enchanting stage presence with a voice that was pure and honest. Despite the fact she was accompanied by the orchestra and a large choir her voice rose above it and filled the hall, especially during ‘Anthem’.

Kerry Ellis tweeted her excitement

The orchestra was conducted by the university’s Matthew Hopkins. Their rendition of ‘Carousel Waltz’ was enticing and almost magical, yet in contrast the ‘Chicago Selection’ with heavy brass and sexy jazz remained at the same level of excellence.

The Nottingham Trent Dance Troupe also performed alongside with a raunchy dance routine in style with Bob Fosse’s choreography, which was an exciting addition.

Overall it was a wonderful evening. Having the professional Kerry Ellis and London Philharmonic Orchestra brace the stage was amazing, but the choir were certainly not in their shadow and shined just as bright!