The Vagina Monologues: “It is much more than a play!”

This week sees The Women’s Network’s ‘The Vagina Monologues’ return to New Theatre.

The ‘world of vaginas, pussies and c***s’ will once again grace University Park, with sell-out performances today and a performance on Monday of The Vagina Monologues at the Nottingham Women’s Centre.

The Tab spoke to Georgina Charles, one of the directors, to find out why women talking about their nether regions is so important.

She said: “Although The Vagina Monologues is a play, it is much more!”

In many cases the women who are acting in the play are giving a voice to women who simply can’t speak out about violent and abusive experiences.

The monologues are all uniquely different, sometimes very emotional and incredibly brave.

Sell out performances on Thursday, still a chance to see it at the Women’s Centre on Monday

The Vagina Monologues is written by Eve Ensler, who conducted ‘vagina interviews’ with women across America. These interviews transpired into a variety of witty, hilarious, sometimes emotional and brave stories of women.

What is hard to believe is that the stories are all true.

Georgina and her co-director Gina Shenouda have worked with every cast member in one-on-one workshops. They worked together to set personal goals to empower themselves and understand what it means to be a woman.

“This is a performance, but it is also a process where women can express themselves and grow,” Georgina said.

Georgina was passionate and eager to direct the play this year after acting in the performance last year.

The Vagina Monologues Sisterhood

“I felt so empowered and humbled by the whole experience: the amazing stories and the sisterhood of women we created throughout last year’s process. I wanted to ensure a new group of women could experience that and use the monologues to feel empowered as a woman.

“Being a woman is not about hating men or feeling angry at the world, it’s about empowering yourself to feel confident as you are.”

Check out the Facebook event for more information about the Monday performance.