Notts in GIFs: Storm

There’s a storm coming, Harry… time to get inside.

Across the country, the weather is worsening. Floods and storms are coming and it’s time to get outta here.

When you see this, you know you’re in trouble.

Everyone is going to be stuck inside.

At first, it’ll be fun.

It’s about time you had some quality time with the housemates.

And yourself…

You can find time for all your favourite things. Like bitching about overly public Valentine’s Day couples…

And dancing!

*dancing like you actually dance

And cooking.

And indoor workouts

And working on your latest house mix

It’s going to be so relaxing

Until you start running out of food…

And you remember how annoying your housemates are

And, for some reason, they start cramping on your house-mix producing, dancing, cooking style

You know what? You’re right. They’re wrong. Fuck them, do what you want.

They’re just jealous, anyway

And then, just when you’re contemplating murder…

You take a look out of the window and see something beautiful…

Look! Look at the light!

Run free and never, ever speak of what you went through