Freshers Week Bingo 2013!

The guaranteed events that will occur during your Nottingham Freshers Week!


So after many hours of refreshing UCAS and praying to the lords of A Levels, you’ve made it to Nottingham, congrats! But now onto more serious things, Freshers week.

This is the golden hour you have been waiting for and you’ve inevitably been told the things that WILL happen. What you WON’T have been introduced to yet is the wonderful game of Freshers Bingo!

If you manage to tick off all of these events then…that probably won’t be much of an achievement but that’s all part of the fun!

Download this chart, print it off and stick on your fridge!

Someone asks you the 3 W’s: Where are you from, What course are you doing, What halls are you in?

Someone pitches up in an over-full car

You get a free key ring that is also a bottle opener

A useful investment..

You gain at least 20 new numbers in your phone, only 4 of which are identified with the correct name…

I have no idea who this person is.

You get the last King in Ring Of Fire. Sorry.

All kinds of things can end up in this glass…

You start violently coughing but confidently deny you have Fresher’s Flu.

You will need these supplies

You get Fresher’s Flu.

Nothing can be as bad as this…

Someone starts to have a wobble about their boyfriend/girlfriend from home.

“Who are you again?”

You get off with someone without knowing their name.

Seems legit.

You get a bag of Dominoes vouchers.

Your diet for the next week

You sign up to on average 18 societies at Fresher’s Fair for the thrill of ‘trying something new’.

Skydiving society will come back to bite you on the ass

You wake up with UV paint in all the wrong places.

Impossible to get out your hair…

You get a fake breezy but clearly panicked call from home to check you are alright.

Opposite of casual…

You take a trip to Luv Ya Babes for emergency fancy dress supplies.

You do the most detagging of photos on Facebook then you have done in your life.

We promise though, you’ll miss it when it’s all over!