Notts in GIFs: Finals Edition

Go to University they said. It’ll be the most carefree time of your life they said….

It’s the night before a 9am and the neighbours shit prelash music wakes you

Your under-prepared reaction when your housemates ask how revision’s going

When ANYONE suggests that ‘You’ll be fiiiiiiiine!’

Hysterical wave of optimism hits. You know you’re going to fucking nail it.

The token course slut turns up in a dress and heels

You’ sit down at your table. You’re pumped. You’re ready. And the invigilator will not pipe the fuck down and begin.

Then you open the paper and all good feelings vanish.

The questions are too hard. The paper is too long. It’s all become a little bit to much to handle.


Result’s day is going to be your bitch.

Good luck everyone!!