Lenting my frustration: Mirages and Meanders
LOUISA CLACK is still struggling and youtube adverts are not helping…
This week I have been exposed to this kind of blatant advertising plastered all over my TV and any time I innocently attempt to watch a youtube clip of Grumpy Cat…
Seriously?! That kind of filth should not be on before watershed. It is verging on pornographic. Not only is the gloriously tempting Devil’s liqueur tangled agonizingly before me, the branding team at Diet Coke have decided to combine it with a sexy topless gardener.
No Diet Coke for Louisa, ergo no sexy topless gardener for Louisa.
Surely for the sake of education, I could have just a small glass to get the brain cells going? I have completed all coursework with Diet Coke; without it I would probably still be at sixth form retaking all my A Levels and never understanding why. Perhaps Diet Coke is the secret to my genius!*
*Terms and conditions apply
Despite this obvious logic, I am willing to sacrifice my education for the sake of proving people wrong and that I can actually do this. Determination and stubbornness is starting to overrule happiness and general well-being.
So in conclusion and to answer a lot of puzzled people; no, it is not getting easier (those adverts are on all the time). Yes, I am still craving it. No, I don’t want some Pepsi. Yes, I would like a glass of wine…