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UEA is a top 15 university in the Sunday Times University Guide

Oh UEA is wonderful

UEA has kept its position in the top 15 UK universities in the Sunday Time's University Guide, The Norwich Tab can reveal.

The guide, due to be published in full on Sunday, has seen UEA drop two places from last year, from 13th to 15th, but has well and truly consolidated its place in the top 20 UK universities, featuring inside it regularly in most league tables.

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We're actually the best because we have PMB

UEA has clearly been doing bits, launching 20 new degrees this month, with many of these incorporating a placement or a year abroad within them.

We also rank just outside the top 10 for spending on student services, and just inside the top 10 or number of top degrees (firsts or 2:1s) awarded to students when they finish university, with nearly nine in ten students coming out of UEA with the top two degree classifications, woooo!

Rival uni Essex fell seven places, to 29th this year, but has seen a rise in applications at a time where most unis are seeing demand fall.

Credit: The Sunday Times