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UEA’s most eligible bachelorette 2018: THE FINAL

Bring on the girls

You thought we'd forgotten…

It's finally here, the final of the bachelorette series. We asked the finalists how they felt to make it this far.

Juliette, fourth year, MA Molecular Medicine

Image may contain: Bottle, Leisure Activities, Camping, Person, People, Human

Juliette said, "'even if I don't win this I'm still the baddest bitch on campus", and that it's "an honour to be nominated my sugar daddy is very proud of me".

Caitlin, third year, Psychology

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Caitlin said, "I’m very surprised and flattered to be a finalist, however this bachelorette is now off the market!". Caitlin's story really proves that this series does work.

Kellie, second year, Medicine

Kellie said that she's "humbled by the whole experience and how far I have got. I want to thank all my wonderful friends, family and all the beautiful people out there for getting me to where I am today". Much like Caitlin, "the love samurai may be slain one day".

Cast your NOW for your UEA bachelorette of the year 2018!