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UEA has a new hummus society and we all want to join

Can they become the next BNOC?


UEA already has a great selection of societies dedicated to food and drink: cocktail society, baking society and of course, real ale society. However there was always something missing, and now a society has been created for students to dip into the world of shared hummus love.

After being approved at the last union council, hummus society has officially been given the green light to go ahead, and now Carolin, who came up with the idea, is appealing for committee members to come and join her.

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the new hummus society promises to #spreadhummusnothate

Speaking to the Tab Norwich, Carolin told us her plans for Hummus society and how fellow hummus lovers at UEA can join in. After being inspired by students at Durham university who also created a hummus society, she said;

'I posted an anonymous concrete confession saying we need a hummus society. I never expected so many people to react on it and tag their friends! It seemed like people would love a hummus society as much as me so I decided to create it and within 24 hours it got enough votes on the SU page to be voted on as a society'

Of course, this isn't the only time where the power of Concrete Confessions in creating societies has come to light, with a Northern society being created recently in a similar fashion.

Image may contain: Dessert, Food, Custard

Get in ma belly

Carolin already has a tonne of ideas for socials, saying that 'My plan is to include loads of hummus and everything that goes well with it. There might be cooking classes too, where you can learn how to make your own hummus, and wine, pitta and humus nights are planned for people that enjoy a glass of wine.' She also spoke about collabing with Vegan society for a 'falafel and hummus night'.

Of course, she needs a committee to help her with the hummus based fun. Carolin is looking for 'people that are keen, committed and as excited about the society as me. They need to be reliable, enjoy their role and obviously love hummus'

When asked about why she chose hummus, she said 'I like that a society can focus on food and have a social that doesn't necessarily include alcohol. I feel people are seeking for societies that don't exclude non drinkers'

'I believe that hummus society will bring together all kinds of people from different backgrounds and interests, but with that one thing in common: the love of hummus'

This sounds like a fab opportunity to share in the love of a truly wonderful dip, maybe we'll have a guacamole society next?