UEA is holding auditions for University Challenge

Will you be the next Monkman?

We’ve all heard of it, some of us may even actually like it, or others have been forced to watch it whilst their parents shouting answers at the screen (I know I have), this is, of course, the infamous University challenge.

UEA will actually be holding auditions to represent it at this year’s University challenge on October 25th and 26th. With filming for the 2017-2018 University challenge begining in February 2018.

UEA’S epic defeat in 2015, but you could be the reason we win this year

UEA’S epic defeat in 2015, but you could be the reason we win this year

Theres only two criteria, first being a student at UEA and second being available to attend all live TV recording, so that doesn’t sound so bad. UEA SU Activities and Opportunities Officer Camille Koosyial had this to say on the topic:

“Every year thousands of UEA students watch other Universities enter and succeed on University Challenge, and probably sit there like I did wondering why we weren’t showcasing our own campus Brainiacs. So this year as part of our Do Something Different programme, we’re stepping up our efforts to enter- and whether you’re a regular winner at Big Bob’s Quiz, take the prizes at the Scholars quiz or are just a regular know it all, we want you involved- details are on the SU website”

If you fancy a chance at representing UEA on the small screen, check it out here: https://www.uea.su/opportunities/universitychallenge/