UEA’s metal society have released a boyband lip-sync video and it’s incredible
5ive have never sounded so good
Just when you thought it was safe to head back to the LCR, another society has released a lip-syncing video.
This time it was the turn of Deviant Rock and Metal Society. They decided to belt out 5ive’s classic banger “Keep On Moving” – in full metal makeup.
Club President Rebecca McKenzie said “We chose 5ive because it’s super cheesy and didn’t have many lyrics to learn”
The video, which has gained a massive 600+ hits, has now won the rockers £250 in an LCR competition.
Rebecca said: “We entered the competition purely for comedy value.
“Being the rock, metal and alternative music society means that cheesy ’90s boyband music is something we’d never normally listen to.
“Metal music and boyband music are literally polar opposites – we knew we were onto comedy gold by entering.
“When they played the video in the LCR there was a lot of laughter, head banging and singing along – which was awesome.”
The video stars dedicated society members Molecular Science and Biology student Umut Baylan, Film and History student Alex Morrisson and Creative Writing student Luke Jones.
New member and History student Andrej Klobusnik also took a starring role, alongside Society Secretary Rob Hebblethwaite.
Just like the Korfball team, the boys showcased some of their own more questionable dance moves.
Rebecca said: “They really got into it remarkably easily – they choreographed their own moves and seemed genuinely excited to be doing it all.
“Although synchronisation was a bit of a struggle.”
Despite the name, Deviant Society clearly aren’t as scary as they sound.
Rebecca said: “We go to gigs together, meet every Tuesday in the Union Pub, we play Quasar and shoot each other to rock and metal music.
“We run our own club night called ‘Deviate’ at the Waterfront too.”
The society started up nearly 18 years ago and are one of UEA’s oldest societies.
The winnings from their LCR performance that are going to help keep their Waterfront night running.
Rebecca explained: “The society desperately needs new DJ equipment because the person we have borrowed it off for the past 4 years has now graduated
“This money means we no longer need to apply for a Union grant to afford the equipment we need to keep the club night going”