More of you are cheating when drunk

The LCR is a haven for naughty mistakes…

Nearly 200 of you responded to our latest cheating survey, and now it’s time to see how faithful (or not) us lot at UEA are…

It turns out the majority of you haven’t cheated or been cheated on – which is in line with what we found last year.

Unsurprisingly, a whopping 70 per cent of those that had cheated did so when drunk – an increase of 20 per cent on last year. Maybe it’s best not to let your partner loose in the LCR.

70 per cent of you cheated while pished

Over 70 per cent of people that were in a relationship when they came to UEA are no longer in the same relationship.

The most common way for people to find out they’d been cheated on is through their partner telling them, although one person actually witnessed it, and another found “love bites on their neck and torso”… smooth.

Be sly and don’t get a hickey

That’s not to say UEA is a centre of honesty, as over 50 per cent of respondents that had cheated said they never told their partner, and that their partner is still unaware it ever happened.

Over 13 per cent have cheated with a flatmate, but most did it with someone they knew a little.

Don’t move in with a worldie…

52 per cent of people thought that both joining a dating site or app such as Tinder would count as cheating. Only 2 per cent count watching porn as cheating and 98 per cent count full sex as cheating.

Well, duhr.