Cheating Survey Results: Why you should be afraid of the LCR

Have the students of UEA been playing around?


The results are in… One in five UEA students have been cheated on, 28% have been unfaithful and more than a fifth of those who have played around did it in the LCR.

At the end of last term, The Tab was nosing into your business once again in an attempt to find out what you class as cheating, how many of you have done the dirty and to answer that age-old question… Can we be trusted in the LCR? Four hundred of you answered the call and you gave us an honest, sometimes brutal, insight into what you’ve been up to.

First, let’s look at those of you who’ve been on the receiving end. As for the four people who found out they’d been cheated on when their partner tweeted about it, we are sending a whole load of Tab love your way.

Now onto the guilty amongst us. 28% of you admitted to being unfaithful and as many as eight respondents weren’t quite sure… Heavy night? With 69% of cheaters blaming drink, it seems likely.

When it comes to temptation, nothing compares to the new faces and frequent games of ring of fire which go hand-in-hand with ‘Welcome Week’. But are you more likely to FAF? (Forgive a Fresher…)

While some of these stats may paint a bleak picture of coupledom at UEA, there was actually a 7% decrease in the number of you who admitted to cheating compared with our survey last year. Perhaps we’re mending our ways after all?