Over the limit: clubs to use breathalysers in bid to stop drunken violence

After a successful trial before Christmas, Norwich nightclubs will use breathalysers on customers

Boozed-up students could face being sent home early from nights out this term as Norwich’s nightclubs embrace breathalysers.

Clubs are kicking out revellers deemed over the limit in a bid to curb drunken violence on the city’s pavements.

After a December trial run saw 28 clubs and bars using the devices, police are hopeful that several clubs will continue as they use up their remaining ‘breath tubes’.

Breathalysers were used in Lola Lo

Kartel on London Road is one venue that will be keeping the breathalysers.

Owner Brad Baxter told The Independent: “I’m happy to use it because the advantage that it has, and for all the other bars too, is that when you tell someone they’re too drunk they get pissed off every time, and now we have a proving mechanism that shows them that, yes, you are super-wasted and that’s why we don’t want you in here.

“I think it’s awesome. It just squashes arguments and that’s a super important thing for any nightclub to have.”

Inspector Ed Brown of the Norfolk Constabulary’s licensing team said: “Going from initial feedback, the venues did want to carry on. I think out of the 28 venues that took part, about 20 have still got them and are still using them; that’s very positive.”

Breathalysers were introduced as part of a police campaign, ‘#DeepBreath’. Police forces across the country are thought to be keen on the idea after its success in Norwich.

Jack Wrigley, manager of Lola Lo nightclub, said: “We’ve had a positive response from both the customer and the door team issuing the tests. It is a great tool to have on the door and is a great eye opener for both students and to our over-21 crowd at the weekend.

“We would consider using them in the future if the option became available.”