The Tab’s Cheating Survey is Back

How faithful are we at UEA? Take the Tab’s Cheating Survey to help us find out.


The Tab’s Cheating Survey is now closed.

Are we UEA students a monogamous bunch, or is LCR temptation just too hard to fight after one too many £1.50 Jägerbombs?

The Tab’s Cheating Survey is back for 2013 and this is one of many questions that we hope to answer, with your help.

Last year, a whopping 35% of you told us you’d cheated on a partner during your time at UEA, with the number one reason being drink.

A fifth of you had been cheated on, with an unfortunate 8% having actually witnessed it happen. Ouch.

We want to hear your experiences, whether you’ve been affected by unfaithfulness or not. Help us understand attitudes to relationships, what actually counts as cheating and what tempts students to stray while they’re at uni.

Can your partner be trusted to brave the LCR without you? Or is it their hot available flatmate that you should be afraid of? Take The Tab’s Cheating Survey now.