Male Athletes Try Pole Dancing

Six members of UEA Sports Clubs will compete for the title of Pole Dance Champion. Who’s your money on?


Are UEA’s athletes as fit as they think they are? They can scale sheer cliffs, take down armoured men and tread water for over an hour, but can they pole dance?

On 5th December, UEA Pole Dancing club’s ‘Pole Challenge’ aims to find out. Six male competitors from UEA sports clubs will compete for the title of Pole Dance Champion and overall Fit Guy. The competition will test strength and agility as athletes complete a series of moves while aerial on the pole.

The event, held in the Blue Bar, looks to be an entertaining night with sponsored waxing of the male pole dancers and the chance for audience members to have a go on the poles themselves.

A raffle is also being drawn, with first prize being free entry to Tau Mondays, LCR Tuesdays, Lola Lo Wednesdays, Mercy Thursdays, Wonderland Fridays and Waterfront Saturdays all year! You’d never have to pay for another night out!

To participate in the raffle, buy tickets online from the UEA box office or from UEA Pole Dancing, then select the athlete you believe has the best chance of winning the challenge. Your raffle tickets will be placed in the tub dedicated to the athlete, with the grand prize being drawn from the winner’s tub and sub prizes from the runner-ups.


The competitors are:

American football: Joseph Mumford
Badminton: Daryl Jacobs
Climbing: Luke Thompson

Lacrosse: To be confirmed
Water polo: Ben Leader-White
Yoga: Connor McPhail

This event is a fundraiser to raise money for new equipment.

Get your raffle tickets here:

UEA Pole Dancing’s ‘Pole Challenge’ will be in the Blue Bar 5th December at 8pm.