I went on Grindr to see how much money I could make selling myself

I haven’t, but I would sell my body to pay my tuition fees

I’m saddled with a tuition debt of at least £50,000 when I graduate at the end of my three years, in hopes that my degree will pay at least £25,000 while funding my own pensions and stuff. So while hearing that my classmates are hauling their ass at bars overnight, disrupting their sleep cycles, I turned my attention to a rather lucrative, self-investment idea on how much I could rake in if I sold my body, sexually.

As an Asian, there are countless times that I’ve been approached by Caucasian men (especially when you have that boyish-look). Not being the kind to reply people, I usually leave them hanging after a “hello”. While, yes, I sound like a brat, I am also very bad in conversing with people and I usually do not initiate conversations. That does not mean I do not receive a handful of messages from men who are clearly old enough to be a daddy.

I’ve had my fair share of experiences; I definitely support anyone who wants to sell their body to earn some dough. The only reason why people frown upon it is because of silly taboos surrounding how private sex is. With PornHub adorning some of the streets with their outlandish, yet witty advertisements, it is hard to be disconnected from the Internet where porn penetrates through our browser histories better than the average college frat boy.

And your typical daddy image

So I went on Grindr just to see what it’s like for my market rates.

Also a chat log with sugar daddy

For the record, I did not sell myself in the end. Not because I don’t want to, but I don’t feel comfortable with my own personal image to sell myself like this. Kudos are in place, however to all you people who are confident of your own body perceptions that you are willing to start your own freelance in such an industry.

Although if I think about it, I might be able to pay off a substantial sum of my fees at the end of three years. I mean, what’s not to like, when sex, companionship and pound comes as a full package. I don’t think you should be ashamed about selling your body just because someone else thinks it’s taboo.