Image may contain: Glass, Portrait, Photography, Photo, Smile, Alcohol, Beer, Female, Drinking, Beverage, Drink, Face, Person, Human

The rumours are true: Soho Rooms are bringing back their three drinks for £5 deal

Our prayers have been answered

Reports have been flooding in that Soho Rooms are bringing back the iconic two trebs and a bomb for a fiver deal, we've done some digging and can confirm that it is in fact, true.

We were all sold the dream before coming to Newcastle that you could head on a night out and get yourself a round for a fiver but upon arrival in The Toon, this appeared to be a myth as we find ourselves spending much more than this to fuel our nights.


Image may contain: Alcohol, Beer, Drink, Beverage, Night Life, Human, Person, Skin

This news comes at the perfect part of the term. You went a bit crazy in the first few weeks, blowing most of your student loan. This is the ideal way to start your night out and save yourself some pennies whilst in your fave club.

Wether your treb mixer is classic blue or lime and lemonade, they're all included in the deal and you can get two of them along with a bomb OR a shot.

It's available between 9pm and midnight, Monday to Thursday and is bound to reinvent our nights out on The Toon.