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Nigel Farage just had a milkshake thrown all over him outside Eldon Square

He was campaigning for the forthcoming EU elections

Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage had a milkshake thrown over him whilst he was doing a walkabout in Newcastle this morning.

Farage, who has been no stranger with his Brexit efforts in the North East, was campaigning for votes in the EU elections this Thursday.

Videos circulating Twitter shows him being covered in the shake by a member of the public.

He was then whisked away from the area by his security team. One of his aids can be heard saying "take him away get him back to the car".

Farage follows this by saying it's a "complete failure" and that "you could've spotted this a mile away".

A 32-year-old man had been arrested in connection with the incident.

Paul Crowther, known as @themadbrewery on Twitter, posted "I fucking did it, it was Farage, I can't believe I did it".

It comes after Tommy Robinson was 'shaked' in Salford and Carl Benjamin targeted in Totnes. It's a new trend recently where a public figure has milkshake thrown on them by the public as protest to their views.