A conference is being held to discuss ‘tensions between students and residents in Jesmond’

It’s next Tuesday

A televised conference, organised by the online newspaper JesmondLocal, will seek to allay “tensions between students and residents in Jesmond” as it is a “recurring theme”.

It comes after the same online newspaper reported on a “spate of anti-social incidents” that arose last term in Jesmond. The conference will seek to: “identify the underlying problems, and explore some solutions that could build bridges and bring Jesmond’s resident and student communities together.”

Union Presidents Jack Taylor (Newcastle) and Adam Crawley (Northumbria) and senior University officials from each uni will be on the panel at the event, as well as local Councillors, Chief Inspector Karl Wilson of Northumbria Police, and the chair of the Residents’ Association.

It’s not clear what the outcome of the conference will be, or if the conference will have any effect on the combined 50,000 students that study in the city. There will be opportunities for the audience to put their questions to the panel and share their views and ideas, as the meeting is open to the public.

JesmondLocal, organisers of the event, are a volunteer-run online local paper.

Common Ground – Making Two Communities One will take place on Tuesday 24th January at 7:30pm at the Performing Arts Centre at the Royal Grammar School, Eskdale Terrace, Jesmond.