The Winter Olympics drinking game

Want to spice up your prelash this week? Want to watch the Winter Olympics at the same time? The Tab is here to sort you out.

In order to celebrate the Winter Olympics, you should join in a Russian tradition and drink a lot of vodka. The best drink is a White Russian.  Here are The Tab’s rules to get drunk during the Winter Olympics

If someone falls over – down your drink


Down it fresher

You should be stumbling and falling over with the athletes.  Therefore if they fall over, you should down your drink so later in the night you’re falling over.

If the commentators appear to be making up words or idioms – 3 fingers

Try not to make a lonely drinking game

Whooping ecstatically isn’t really appropriate if you’re commentating to millions of people who have no idea what is going on.  Nor is making up words.

In the snowboarding commentators use phrases such as “Double McTwist” or “Flying Tomato”.  Nobody knows what they mean.

In the curling, the phrase “Wicky Wacky Woo” is used.  Although it is probably the coolest technical sporting term in the world, it still isn’t acceptable.  Anyone who understands Curling has to down their drink, purely for being a loser.

Mental hair – 5 fingers



In the world of snow-sports, a ‘short, back and sides’ isn’t quite “rad” enough.

 If GB win a medal – down your drink

Jenny Jones

Release the boozehounds

Great Britain has won an average of one medal per Winter Olympic Games.  It is safe to say that we don’t do very well in the cold.

Although congratulations to Jenny Jones.

A foreigner has an amusing name – 2 fingers

Surely not

If Russia screw something up – 3 fingers

You’ll probably be feeling like this by now

Much has been made of the poor infrastructure at Sochi.  So if anything breaks or doesn’t work, you drink.

How you should end up