Everything you need to know about second year house hunting in Manchester
It’s nothing like you’re expecting…
Uni is in full swing and all over Manchester, students are finally settling into their first year accommodation. Whether you’re living it up with a double bed and en-suite, or just starting to embrace the character of Oak House (yes, we’ve seen the Sainsbury’s bag over the light), we hope you’re starting to feel at home.
Each year, a lot of us lot secure our second-year houses before Christmas. Daunting, right? Try not to panic too much, you’ll definitely find somewhere (you just might end up in Rusholme if you wait too long). Dedicate your next few pub trips to deciding who you really want to live with and be brutal because theres no backing out!
Before you start frantically ringing estate agents in search of the perfect gaff, here’s what to expect when heading into your first Fallow house viewing. Remember, the pain of finding a house is temporary, the second year memories are forever. You’ll have a blast.
It will look nothing like the photos
If you thought that the 0.5x lens on your phone was just for taking ridiculously close-up photos of your mates’ faces in the club, then I hate to be the bearer of bad news.
Expect to be shocked when you find out the estate agent had a somewhat similar idea. The room that looked so spacious and airy online will probably be barely big enough to walk around, let alone fit that traffic cone you dragged back from Oxford Road on a night out. Don’t worry though, it’ll look great in the living room.
Prepare to get some serious room envy
One of the best parts of moving into halls is having an empty room to decorate, ready to be filled with all the plants and posters that you impulsively bought at the Student’s Union.
We’re sure your room looks sick, but don’t get too bitter when you walk into a bedroom only to discover that it looks like something right off that Pinterest board you made at 3am, months before coming to uni. Not only will this room inevitably be spotless (I know, crazy!), but it’ll also have you wishing you had an ounce of the inspiration that they did. You’d better start planning your decor now.
You’ll give at least one unsuspecting tenant the fright of their life
Rest assured, the current tenants will know that you’re coming to view the house and probably vacate in time to avoid any awkward interactions as you snoop around their rooms (it’s the best part of the experience, trust me).
However, there is always one in every house that’s not so good at checking the group chat and is probably going to be enjoying a nice 4pm hangover nap in their bed, only to be rudely awoken by a group of freshers eager to decide who’s next to call that room home for the year.
Try not to laugh, though, we’ve all been there. Stay composed and keep those voices down, I’m sure they’ll appreciate it.
The realisation will hit that you won’t be in accommodation forever
This epiphany will either be a sigh of relief or a dark cloud of dread. For our Oak House comrades, seeing some proper sofas in the living room and ample fridge space in the kitchen will be a welcome sight. Imagine being able to store more than two days worth of food at a time, what a privilege.
For our Unsworth friends on the other hand, the houses you’ll view will make Tawny block look even more like a hotel. Don’t get too used to that private bathroom, and make the most of the parties in your kitchens, you’ll soon discover that the space is a luxury.
The immense relief you’ll feel when you finally sign that contract is unreal
Get you and your mates down to Squirrels for a celebratory Green Monster (or a pint if you don’t fancy feeling nauseous in your 9am the next day).
You’ve seen so many houses that the memory has probably blurred into one. You probably aren’t even completely sure where the one is that you ended up signing the contract for. The ordeal is finally over and you’ve hopefully secured the ultimate party mansion of your dreams, especially if you’ve nabbed an elusive Fallowfield rave basement. We’re only a tad jealous.With that being said, let your experience leave you thankful for your accommodation, it may be a bit rough around the edges, but you’ll have the time of your life and miss it eternally.
If we can leave you with one thing to take away, it’s to not get too stressed. Manchester is blessed with many awesome and unique places for you to call home next year, and there’s more than enough to go around. If you’re feeling lost or need some advice, head down to the SU for some top tips on what to look out for.
Happy house hunting, freshers!
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