You can now order cocktails on Deliveroo in Manchester

This is the first ever virtual bar service from Deliveroo Editions

Deliveroo Editions and Bacardi have teamed up to bring cocktails from Manchester’s finest bars straight to your door starting from today, April 16th.

Ordering from the Bacardi ‘Cocktails At Home’ virtual bar is a great way to support your local bars and bartenders. This new service comes alongside the Bacardi #RaiseYourSpirits initiative, which is introducing measures to support bars and bartenders across the UK during the coronavirus crisis.

Amanda Almond, Managing Director for Bacardi, UK and Ireland, has said “Through our partnership with Deliveroo Editions, anyone who loves great cocktails can enjoy them at home and at the same time help keep their local bars in business.”

New bars and cocktails are set to be added every two weeks for the next two months, but first orders in Manchester will be from; Science and Industry, Cultureplex and Cottonopollis, all of which are based in the Northern Quarter and also 2019 International Bartender of the Year winner, Joe Schofield who was set to open his new bar in Manchester this year.

Joe has said “I am very excited to partner with Bacardi on Deliveroo as it is a great way to give guests a great drink at home during these challenging times for our industry.”

To order, cocktail lovers in Manchester can use their Deliveroo app to search for the ‘Cocktails At Home’ virtual bar.

The #RaiseYourSpirits initiative is a plan to help UK bars and bartenders combat the coronavirus crisis. Bacardi is investing an initial £1.5 million to ensure at a grassroots level, members of the bartender community across Western Europe receive the support they urgently need.

“Our strong relationships with bars and bartenders are incredibly important to us, and as we face the current challenges together, we’re doing all we can to provide the support they need,” said Amanda Almond.

Exclusive videos from the bartenders behind the virtual bar’s cocktails can be seen by following @BacardiLimited1862 on Instagram.

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