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Manchester SU bans clapping in favour of jazz hands at Senate events

The motion passed with little opposition

The University of Manchester Students' Union has banned clapping from SU Senate events, and instead will replace the action with British Sign Language (BSL) clapping, otherwise known as "jazz hands".

Sara Khan, Manchester Students' Union Liberation and Access Officer, pushed the decision through on Thursday 27th September, as part of the motion 'Making Senate More Accessible'. Speaking to The Mancunion, Sara said the motion resolved to "encourage student groups and societies to do the same, and to include BSL clapping as a part of inclusion training".

The National Union of Students has favoured BSL clapping since 2015, and encourages universities to do the same.

It was argued that the sound from traditional clapping can be triggering to students with anxiety, autism, and sensory issues. Jazz hands or BSL clapping replaces clapping in an effort to make SU events more accessible for these students.