Ways to help the homeless in Manchester this Christmas

The Big Change are working to end our city’s most prominent social issue

“Manchester ending homelessness!” – the battle-cry of those dedicated few who are committed to combating one of Manchester’s most complex social issues. Unified under the Manchester Homelessness Charter, this partnership is made up of various grassroots organisations & charities (e.g Barnabus, Mustard Tree & Lifeshare), Manchester city council and ex-homeless.

At the heart of this network sits the Big Change.

The scope of the Big Change

The Big Change is a fund to provide homeless people with the tools they need to deal with the complicated reasons they ended up on the streets. The items they so desperately need to get off the streets. And the support to make sure they don’t fall back onto the streets again.

It is a new way of giving that is supported by both the city council and all the charities that work on the front line of this issue. There are several reasons it has gained such widespread support. For example, when giving to someone begging on the streets, there is no way to know where that money is going. In the worst-case scenarios, it funds begging gangs, trafficking and organised crime. In the best-case scenarios, the person becomes a target for the gangs who control the areas.

Giving in this way – though well intentioned – is often very counterproductive.

However, because of all the great support it has already received, the Big Change has been able to work with local charities and provide the funds necessary for individuals to take that next step out of homelessness. In October alone, the Big Change supported the journey of about 40 individuals. Rent deposits, travel costs for work/interviews, phones to contact family & work, furniture, cooking equipment, gas & electric, hypnotherapy & psychiatry visits. Whatever it is – if the individual and supporting charity partner can prove it will help bring them closer to getting off the streets – the Big Change will fund it.

And, as well as providing much needed funds, the Big Change campaign works to show the public the most effective ways to give. How they can go beyond simply making the experience of living on the streets a bit more tolerable; but can help to get people off the streets – and keep them off the streets. With this in mind, the street support website was created. It acts as sort of a one-stop-shop for any & all services available in Greater Manchester (and Leeds) that support the homeless. These services range from food & accommodation to general activities, opportunities to develop much needed skills, job training and even employment opportunities.

The genius of the street support website & app is that it gives the public a way to engage with the issue and to directly support the solutions that are already in place.

Since its inception, the Manchester Homelessness Partnership has worked closely with various action groups to ensure that the most transformative methods to tackle homelessness are being used. A prime example of this is shown in the work of the housing association – Riverside. An innovative group in this space, Riverside makes it a core principle to ensure that it has people who have experienced homelessness involved in the decision-making process. This guarantees that they are helping in the ways that will be most effective, and the homeless will be getting the help they need & have a voice on key issues. Their model is a great example of the best practices that will hopefully become the standard, in the future of this sector.

Now, here are things you can do to help make a difference:

Check out the website streetsupport.net

The Street Support website

Download the street support app

The Street Support app

Get clued up on all the services that Manchester has on offer to support the homeless

One of the things that personally makes me so proud to live in this city is the huge number of people who are dedicated to supporting the most vulnerable and in-need amongst us. Manchester is filled to the brim with services that provide a wide range of support for the homeless. The biggest issue is that most people aren’t aware that they even exist, where they are or how to contact them.

With the website and the app now ready at your fingertips, the next time you come across someone who needs that bit of support, you have all the information to signpost them in the right direction.

Party with the Big Change Society and support the Big Change fund

Donating to the Big Change fund is the best way to let your donation have the largest impact. By coordinating with the various charities in Manchester, the Big change can distribute your donation to where it is most desperately needed. By supporting in this way, we can get that one step further to ending homelessness.

A great way to start is by coming to the Big Change Society’s Christmas party at Koh Tao on the 7th December. It’s a fun way to raise much needed funds for the Big Change.

So, come by, help raise some money, get smashed and dance like no-ones watching.